


Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. and subsidiaries is an omnichannel retailer that makes it easy for its customers to feel at home. The Company sells a wide assortment of domestics merchandise and home furnishings which operates under the names Bed Bath & Beyond, Christmas Tree Shops, Christmas Tree Shops andThat! or andThat!, Harmon, Harmon Face Values, or Face Values, buybuy BABY and World Market, Cost Plus World Market, or Cost Plus. Customers can purchase products either in-store, online, with a mobile device or through a customer contact center. The Company generally has the ability to have customer purchases picked up in-store or shipped direct to the customer from the Company's distribution facilities, stores or vendors. The Company also operates Decorist, an online interior design platform that provides personalized home design services. In addition, the Company operates Linen Holdings, a provider of a variety of textile products, amenities and other goods to institutional customers in the hospitality, cruise line, healthcare and other industries. Additionally, the Company is a partner in a joint venture which operates retail stores in Mexico under the name Bed Bath & Beyond. The Company also operates PersonalizationMall.com (“PMall”), an industry-leading online retailer of personalized products.


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